Terms & Conditions

Listing Conditions

When listing an item for sale on our Services, you agree that:

  • All regular listings on AlfaShopper are free of charge except featured and promoted listings,
  • You provide your preferred payment method to buyers,
  • You assume full responsibility for the item offered and the accuracy and content of the listing,
  • Your listing may not be immediately searchable by keyword or category for several hours (or up to 24 hours in some circumstances). AlfaShopper can't guarantee exact listing duration,
  • Your fixed-price listings may renew automatically every calendar month, based on the listing terms at the time, until all quantities sell or the listing is ended by you or AlfaShopper, in its sole discretion,
  • The content you provide complies with all of our listing policies, including the Images, videos and text policy,
  • Content that violates any of AlfaShopper policies may be modified, obfuscated, or deleted at eBay's sole discretion,
  • We may revise product data associated with listings to supplement, remove, or correct information,
  • We strive to create a marketplace where buyers find what they are looking for. Therefore, the appearance or placement of listings in search and browse results will depend on a variety of factors, including, but not limited to:
    • buyer's location, search query, browsing site, and history;
    • item's location, listing format, price and shipping cost, terms of service, end time, history, and relevance to the user query;
    • seller's history, including listing practices, Detailed Seller Ratings, feedback, and defect rate; and
    • number of listings matching the buyer's query,
  • To drive a positive user experience, a listing may not appear in some search and browse results regardless of the sort order chosen by the buyer,
  • Some advanced listing upgrades will only be visible on some of our Services,
  • AlfaShopper Duplicate listings policy may also affect whether your listing appears in search results,
  • Metatags and URL links that are included in a listing may be removed or altered,
  • We may provide you with optional recommendations to consider when creating your listings. Such recommendations may be based on the aggregated sales and performance history of similar sold and/or current listings; results may vary for individual listings. To drive the recommendations experience, you agree that we may display the sales and performance history of your individual listings to other sellers,
  • For items listed in certain categories, subject to certain programs, and/or offered or sold at certain price points, AlfaShopper may require the use of certain payment methods, subject to our Payments methods policy. For example, for inventory covered by authentication or storage services, buyer and sellers may be subject to escrow and/or payment handling requirements,
  • You will not sell and will promptly remove all listings for any product recalled by a manufacturer or governmental agency if the sale of the product is prohibited by law or regulation or the product poses a health or safety hazard as specified by any governmental agency. AlfaShopper has no responsibility or liability for the safety or performance of any product that you list or sell using our Services, including any product that is subject to a recall. You are solely responsible for any non-conformity or defect in, or compliance with any public or private recall of any product you list or sell using our Services,
  • AlfaShopper may publish and promote your listings, including related content such as username, product reviews and feedback on the websites or in the applications, services, and tools of other eBay Inc. corporate family members or cooperating third-party operators of websites, applications, services, and tools.

Purchase Conditions

When buying an item using our Services, you agree to the Rules and policies for buyers and that:

  • You are responsible for reading the full item listing before making a bid or offer, buying, or committing to buy,
  • You enter into a legally binding contract to purchase an item when you buy the item, commit to buy the item, your offer for the item is accepted, you have the winning bid for the item, or your bid for the item is otherwise accepted, regardless of when payment is due or received,
  • For motor vehicles and real estate, a bid or offer initiates a non-binding transaction representing a buyer's serious expression of interest in buying the seller's item and does not create a formal contract between the buyer and the seller,
  • We do not transfer legal ownership of items from the seller to you.

Returns and cancellations for sellers

Sellers can create rules to automate replacements, returns, and refunds under certain circumstances or no returns or refunds as well. For all new sellers, in listings where returns are accepted. AlfaShopper recommend to arrange a return directly with buyer if returns are accepted and described in the listing. Sellers may remove or customize their return preferences in their account settings.

Returns and cancellations for buyers

Buyers generally do not have the right to cancel an order. Buyers can request to cancel an order by contacting a seller within the time period and as provided in sellers description, and the seller will have 3 days to accept or decline the request. If the order cannot be canceled, buyers may not be permitted to return the item.

In most instances, a buyer may be responsible for the cost of return shipping for an item returned to a seller. If the seller is responsible for the return shipping costs, the buyer can ask seller to purchase a shipping label directly from a carrier. NOTE! This option is available if return is described or accepted by the seller.